Jeff Harrison, Prymus Insurance CEO, is now speaking publicly about Law Enforcement Liability Insurance. If you are a University, Advocacy group, police union, police department, or anyone else interested in learning more, email Jeff Harrison directly today.


On-Duty and Extra Time coverage for all individual law enforcement officers including Reserve Officers.


A-Rated Nationwide Insurer

$25,000 Coverage
NO Deductible


$15 Monthly (With Legal Defense Fund)

-Tax Deductible-

protect your future



control your destiny

Controlling the liability cap for law enforcement officers is the most important issue for officers today and nobody is even talking about it. The reason it is silent is because the law enforcement industry is still fighting the last war. It’s time to move forward and win the current war by controlling the liability cap. The law enforcement industry is powerful enough to take control of the liability cap and secure the financial future for the law enforcement industry for generations.

Blog - Control The Cap - Control Law Enforcement’s Future

Liability Cap

The law enforcement industry can take control of the liability cap by making the Power Move of voluntarily purchasing liability insurance with $25,000 of coverage today. This will effectively set the liability cap giving the law enforcement industry the upper hand. The law enforcement industry will be leading and controlling the situation with Collective Responsibility. The cost of this Power Move for individual officers is only $25 per month. Prymus Insurance already has a law enforcement liability insurance policy with $25,000 of coverage.

Blog - Collective Responsibility

Why $25,000 Coverage?

Contrary to the headline generating amounts like the $27 million to the family of George Floyd and $12 million to Breonna Taylor’s family, these are extremely rare amounts.  The median amount of settlements/judgments place on law enforcement officers is $17,500 based on a Washington Post Study of 40,000 cases over 10 years.  Professor Schwartz published in her detailed law review “Police Indemnification” that between 2006-2011 New York’s median payout was $20,000.  Therefore, over half of the settlements/judgments would have been paid 100% with a $25,000 policy with zero tax dollars used. Colorado set the precedent for law enforcement officers being financially liable for a maximum of $25,000 in Senate Bill 217 that passed June 19, 2020.

Blog - Free Market Solution to a Constitutional Problem

NO Bankruptcy

Bankruptcy has been a fear within the law enforcement industry for too long. Controlling the liability cap and Collective Responsibility will eliminate your fear of going bankrupt from a civil lawsuit.

Even with Qualified Immunity officers have financial judgments personally placed on them all the time. Municipalities have a history of paying these judgments with tax dollars even when they are not legally obligated to pay a dime. This is changing around the country and it’s time for the law enforcement industry to support each other with Collective Responsibility, take control of the liability cap and secure the financial future for the law enforcement industry for generations.

Blog - Bankruptcy Risk for Police Officers



For my money, your efforts on this front are among the most inspiring that I’ve seen during my five years of criminal justice reform work and have the potential to be the most revolutionizing policy proposal in this space in living memory.
— Clark Neily, Senior Vice President for Legal Studies at CATO Institute


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